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The Place of Scriptures in Our Walk with God

All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV).

The Scriptures (God’s word) hold a central and vital role in our lives as Christians. It is the foundation for our faith and guides us in our relationship with God and daily living.
Hence, for anyone who will walk with God according to our theme for the year, the Scripture is the central, vital, most important and valuable document, book, and asset we must have and engage with daily.

The Bible provides guidance and direction, helping us navigate life’s challenges and decisions. God’s word lightens our path and shows us how to live according to God’s will. Engaging with God’s Word allows us to deepen our faith and grow in wisdom. It directs our parts towards spiritual growth and maturity and equips us for service.

The Word of God acts as a mirror, revealing areas of our lives that need change and correction. It convicts us of sin and guides us toward repentance and transformation. When we allow the Scriptures to convict and correct us, our lives align more closely with God’s will, and we become more Christ-like in our thoughts, actions, and character. The Scriptures offer comfort and encouragement and remind us of God’s faithfulness, love, and promises. It provides hope and strength in times of trial and difficulty

Rev. Moses Abayomi Sodeinde.

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