Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favouritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right. (Acts 10:34-35 NIV).
God does not make mistakes in His divine plan for man. Peter’s presence in the home of Cornelius and the Cornelius family’s preparedness to hear what the Lord had for them gave Peter a new understanding of God’s love for all men and the universality of the sacrificial death of Jesus. Consequently, based on what Peter had just experienced, he declared openly that God shows no favoritism but accepts every man from every nation who fears Him and does what is right in His sight.

The salvation plan for the Gentiles was part of the Old Testament doctrine, but unfortunately, the legalistic Jews could not readily understand and accept it. In like manner, some contemporary Christians sometimes forget that God’s plan of salvation is global. Therefore, let us discard every custom,practice and tradition that will prevent us from showing the love of God in a practical way to the unsaved wherever they are found.
Rev. Moses Abayomi Sodeinde