But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for
yourselves this day whom you will serve, … But as for me and my
household, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24: 15 NIV).
Joshua called the nation of Israel to order as he led them into a national spiritual awakening. Israel, as a nation, had clung to the Lord, but there were many cases of spiritual infidelity in their history, as their idol worshipping neighbours undoubtedly influenced them. This led to a decline in their service and commitment to worshipping God.

We are in a world in which serving and worshipping the Lord is becoming more and more difficult day after day as we grapple with the challenges of societal and economic pressures, cultural barriers, peer group pressure, and many more. Many believers are now being influenced by the corrupt system in the society, and the desire for fame and wealth are even making the matter worse. However, amid the prevailing circumstances, God still demands that we serve Him wholeheartedly.Resolve to serve the Lord, no matter what may be. Do not get carried away by the worldly influence.
Rev. Moses Abayomi Sodeinde