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Here Am I, Send Me!

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!.” (Isaiah 6:8 NIV).

Isaiah had a vision of the Lord in the temple. He witnessed the seraphim (angelic beings) worshipping God and heard them proclaim God’s holiness. This encounter made Isaiah acutely aware of his own sinfulness and the sinfulness of his people. He expresses his unworthiness, and one of the seraphim touches Isaiah’s lips with a live coal from the altar, symbolizing the purification of his sins. Following this act of cleansing, Isaiah hears the Lord’s call for a messenger to go and speak on His behalf.

Then, Isaiah responds with eagerness and readiness to serve, saying, “Here am I. Send me!” Just as God called Isaiah and many other prophets of old, He is still calling people today to serve and fulfil His purpose. Therefore, be attentive to God’s call in your life and respond with willingness and readiness to serve and embrace the missions and tasks God sets before you. Furthermore, just as Isaiah acknowledges his sinfulness and that he was purified, you need to examine your life and do away with every form of unrighteousness, so that your service to God can be acceptable and effective.

Rev. Moses Abayomi Sodeinde

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