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Engaging with the Word

“All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV).

The Bible is God’s word. It teaches us, rebukes us, corrects us, and provides guidance on how to live a righteous life and equips us for service. God’s word is not for entertainment but for teaching, correcting, rebuking and training. Whenever we listen to God’s word, we receive teaching as we learn new things or gain a better understanding.

Anytime you read and study God’s word or listen to God’s word preached, you need to come with an open mind to learn. Be open to the rebukes and corrections that Scripture provides and allow it to transform your heart and mind. Therefore, dedicate time to meditation and study of the Scripture. Seek to understand its teachings and apply them to your life.

Whenever God’s word rebukes or corrects you, instead of taking offence and becoming defensive, the best thing to do is receive it with humility and ask God for mercy and strength to live rightly. Study the scripture for the purpose of spiritual growth and not for just head knowledge or winning an argument. Let the Scripture guide you into righteous living; let your actions and decisions align with God’s word.

Rev. Moses Abayomi Sodeinde

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